Argentine Tango Steps

The Side Cross Step

A variation of the Two-Step Walk is the Side Cross Step. If you’re the follower, you should start by standing facing toward the center of the dance floor. If you’re the leader, you should start by standing facing out toward the edge of the dance floor. Then each of you take two steps straight along the line of dance.There are two versions of the Side Cross Step – the Side Cross Front and the Side Cross Behind:

Side Cross Front

If the leader, step sideways to the left and pivot to the left. Cross the right foot across in front of your supporting foot and pivot to the right.

If the follower, step sideways to the right and pivot to the right. Cross the left foot across in front of the supporting foot and pivot to the left.

Side Cross Behind

If the leader, step sideways to the left and pivot to the right. Cross the right foot behind the supporting foot and pivot to the left.

If the follower, step sideways to the right and pivot to the left. Cross the left foot behind the supporting foot and pivot to the right.

A very popular sequence that utilizes the Side cross Step is a sequence called the Grapevine.

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