Argentine Tango History
The “Europeanization” of Argentine Tango
Finally, argentine tango transcended its Argentinian boundaries, as European orchestras introduced it into their dance repertoires. Non-traditional instruments were added,…
Argentine Tango Steps
Gancho (or Hook)
The gancho is a tango embellishment executed by flexing and swinging the knee of the free leg, and swinging it…
Argentine Tango Steps
Adornos: Golpes or Toe Taps
One kind of Adorno is Golpes (Toe Taps). Normally when taking a step the foot glides along just above the floor as…
Argentine Tango Steps
The Amague (or Feint)
The word Amague in argentine tango derives from the spanish verb amagar which means to feint or to fake. Applied…
Argentine Tango Steps
The Single Axis Turn – The Colgada
The Single Axis Turn is an unusual turn. It’s a variation of a type of turns called “Colgada Turns”. It’s…