Argentine Tango Steps

Adornos: Intrusiones

Intrusiones (Intrusions) are Adornos or Embellishments where the tango dancer puts their foot or leg between their partner’s legs. This is sometimes only a brief kick. Sometimes you will use your foot or leg to push against one of your partner’s feet or legs. As a beginner, the leader usually does the intrusions but as dancers become more advanced followers may do them too.

Here is a foundational example of an Intrusiones that is frequently used. If you are the leader, step to the left to begin a Side Rock. Then the leader quickly moves their right foot near their left foot and move it forward between their partner’s legs to touch the inside of the follower’s left foot or ankle with the inside of the right foot or ankle. The leader will lead the follower to bring her other foot near her supporting foot and the leader will feel her sandwich their intruding right foot with her feet. The leader can then finish the Side Rock by stepping side right back to their beginning location.

This intrusion action is called an Entrada (Entrance). At a more advanced level, It can be done as a brief kick between the woman’s legs, however that is more dangerous and a tango beginner should wait till they become much more expert before trying kicking Entradas.

Intrusions can be used to express emotions and to play.

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