La Salida
The Salida
A pattern that indicates a beginning is called a Salida. Literally translated as “exit,” in tango dancing it means “the way out (onto the dance floor).” The most-often used Salida is a U-shaped pattern with two parts.
Begin in the neutral position (feet close together) with your weight on BOTH feet. In tango you can start a new step pattern with either foot in any direction. Your weight on both feet prepares you to do that.
The first part of the Salida is the Backward Single-Step Walk: a single step against the line of dance. If you’re a woman, step forward with your left foot. If you’re a man, step backward with your right foot. Then — as usual with any step pattern — “follow through” with your free foot (the woman’s right, the man’s left) by bringing it up beside your other foot. Don’t put any weight on your free foot.
The second part is the L-Shaped Two-Step Walk. If you’re a woman, step sideways with your right foot, bring your left foot near the right and step backward onto your left. If you’re a man, step sideways with your left foot, bring your right foot near the left and step forward onto your right. Follow through with your free foot by bringing it near your supporting foot.
Salida with Corrada (Running)
A syncopated walk which looks like a run. The dancers take a series of short double-time steps so the feet appear to run while the bodies move at the same pace.