Argentine Tango Steps

Argentine Tango Walking

Walking is a fundamental part of quite a few argentine tango step patterns. This makes it easy to get started dancing right away by simply learning to walk, though there is surprising complexity behind this apparently simple step.

The best way to get started is by turning on some traditional argentine tango music and listen for each major beat. Walk around whatever space you are in and try to step exactly on each major beat. Don’t think about or do anything else; just practice stepping to this slow steady rhythm for a few minutes. This rhythm is a central foundation of tango. As your tango dance becomes more advanced, this basic rhythm can be varied with the use of quicks and slows.

Next lets take the walk to the next level. This time, walk counter-clockwise around the outside edge of a room (or the dance floor). This is called the Line of Dance and this is the system that helps dancers avoid running into each other

Argentine Tango Walking Style

Walk around a room without music, step forward on the balls of the feet, not on the heels as done in ordinary walking. This should have the feeling of a tiger or lion prowling thru the jungle. In fact, try to feel this way throughout the argentine tango dance.

Now walk backwards clockwise around the room using the Line of Dance. Straighten the leg a little more than you ordinarily would and reach back a little further than might feel natural. This will help prevent bumping knees with your partner when you dance. It also adds to the cat-like look and feel of the walk.

Whether walking backwards or forwards, keep the body’s weight over the balls of your feet.

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