Argentine Tango Steps

The Amague (or Feint)

The word Amague in argentine tango derives from the spanish verb amagar which means to feint or to fake. Applied to Argentine Tango, an Amague is a step where one of the dance partners pretends to make a move in one direction, but then moves the other way. The Amague is most often used by leaders however followers can also do the amague.The Follower can use the Amague as an embellishment: for example, a tap with the crossed feet or the follower pretending to make a step with her free leg but then not actually making the step.

 In this article you’ll find some great amagues executed by leaders.

The Leader’s typical amague is performed by feigning a step – a ‘fake move’. For example, when the leader takes a step to the side of the follower, but quickly retracts to the other side.

Amague Videos

Diego Blanco and Ana Pedron lesson on amagues:


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